Sunday 31 January 2016

In the beginning - the start of the journey

It was 31st December 1957  - New Year’s Eve!!!!
The frock was ready.  My hair was in rollers and shoes whitened. I had butterflies. I was going out for the first time with a boy named Grant to Caroline Bay, the social hub then where boy met girl.  Six o’clock closing ensured everyone went there.

Finally!!! I was ready and departed to the bay where I met two friends and went round to the carnival where Grant worked on the sideshow. Mm mm !!!! Mr Cool!  I thought !!!  with his slicked back hair  and black reefer jacket.

We rock and rolled at the dance, the music echoing around, outdoing the merry-go-round and carnival rides. What fun to go on the octopus, and snuggle close in the dark.  When the big wheel stopped at the top we could see all over the bay. Coloured lights twinkled everywhere and out at sea.

We rode on the launch looking back at the bay. We could pick out the moving lights. The breeze felt soft. It was magical.

It was nearly midnight.  The hooters on the port boats sounded the stroke of midnight. We hurried to the bonfire.

The flames leapt up transfixing everyone, faces reflected. ‘Let Old Acquaintance Be Forgot” broke out and flames, bagpipes, whistles and bells all combined with kissing and hugging to end the year. Grant was doing plenty of enthusiastic hugging!

We wandered off then drove in John’s borrowed car to watch the sunrise. What did I make of this guy? I DIDN'T KNOW!!

Finally I was deposited at my gate at five in the morning.  With a loud and cheery “SEE YOU AROUND!!!!" Grant zoomed off in John’s car.

 Oh well that’s that, I thought.

 BUT!!!!!!!!  I left my stole in the car. My fate was sealed.

 Fay Ward

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